Thursday, August 19, 2010

Okay, moving past that obnoxiously grumpy last post. Here are some recent funnies from Lucy:

Lucy got to name the new cat my parents got. She named it "Mow". As in "Lucy, what does a kitty say?", "mow". She has consistently called him that for several months now. Lucy couldn't imagine anything funnier than Mow. She picks him up and carries him around. Picks him up and tosses him in his water bowl. Throws blankets on him. And throws things down the stairs so that he will go get them. It's hilarious to Lucy. Poor Mow.

This photo pretty much describes their relationship:

Lucy is afraid of people coming to the door. There is not a particular reason why. But when anyone knocks or rings the doorbell, Lucy starts screaming and running in circles with the most terrified look on her face. It usually takes me a minute to open the door. I have to compose myself, because it makes me laugh so hard.

Today, I was asking Lucy if she was a baby. She said no. I asked if she was a big girl, again "no". I asked her if she was several other things and she kept saying "no". Finally, she told me she was a kitty. Then she sat there for a second thinking. Then she corrected herself. "Bampa kieee". Apparently, my child is a Grandpa Kitty. Lovely.

It's late, and that's all I can think of right now.


My goodness. The last two weeks have probably been some of the hardest I've ever had.

I've been busy with school, and with an internship thats practically taken over my life. I have to go 2-3 times a week. It wouldn't be so bad, but it's at least a 1 hour drive each way. So it takes up basically my whole day when I go. I'm tired and feel so guilty about leaving Lucy with her grandmas so much. They've been so nice about it, but it's not their job to be her mommy and it makes me feel bad. Poor little thing has been so clingy when I am home that she doesn't even want to nap because she's afraid I'm going to leave.

To top it all off, I've been insanely busy with photography. I can't even begin to express how grateful we are for it all! I love doing it and feel like I've progressed so much in my personal knowledge! I feel like I'm becoming successful, and it's taken a long time to get to this point. But I've had 4-5 shoots a week (all in the evenings after I get home from my internship. Poor neglected family!). Gah! I have to learn how to say no. The shoots themselves only take about 2 hours, but then there are hours and hours after of editing, which I have not really had time for. So I'm getting behind, and then I get stressed.

I've also had a bunch of projects and papers due for school in the last 2 weeks. It's killing me. Kyle's been a saint. He is the best hubby ever. I couldn't have done any of this without him!

Can I just say I'm glad that today was my last official day of the internship?! Yup. I sure am.

Sorry to be grumpy. Happy post next time. I promise!

Friday, August 6, 2010

New Photography Blog!

I'm so excited about my newly designed photography blog! Check it out! I think it looks really professional and clean-with a little fun! What do you think of it?

That's all I have to say right now.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Lucy has started doing the funniest thing ever! She is a very dramatic child. She always has been. So lately, when she wants something, so will add an "eia" to the end of it. For example:

"Bink! Binky! Biiinnnkkkeeeiiiiaaaaaa!!"

It's so funny. She adds it to everything. "Binkeia", "Ellieia", "Daddeia". It's awesome. Our whole trip to St. George (post on that to come soon!) my whole family kept adding the "eia" to the end of their words. So funny! Sorry, no pictures today, just wanted to share.

P.S. Check out this blog. She gave my photography blog a blog award! I feel so fancy! And, stay tuned to my photo blog, because I just hired someone to make a custom blog design for me, and I'm so excited to see it when it's finished! It will probably be a while longer, but I'll keep you informed!