Thursday, May 19, 2011

2 months

Lylah is now *almost* two months old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! She's such a sweet baby. Very happy and content. She rarely cries. She's getting chubby and it's adorable. She smiles and tries to talk now. She's interested in everything. She wishes she could walk and talk like her big sister. She can't stand being in a different room then all the action is. She loves her swing. She gets mad if it's been 3 hours and 5 minutes since her last feeding-that means she's late! She sleeps a 6 1/2 hour stretch at night (with a few hours before then eating and then eating and a few hours after). We can't believe how perfect she is and how well she fits into our family!

I'm so grateful she's got her own personality, and is not exactly like her big sister. Lucy is so fun, but having two of her just wouldn't be possible for one mother. :)

Anyway, we went to the doctor's today and here are her stats:
Weight: 11 lbs. 5 oz. (52%)
Height: 22 1/2 in. (54%)
Head: 15 1/2 in. (84%)

What we can conclude from this...
Lylah has almost doubled her birth weight (6 lbs. 5 oz.)! She has grown 3 1/2 inches taller! And she's taking after her big sister in the HUMONGOUS head department. :) Cute.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lucy turns 2!

This is so late, but Lucy's birthday was the day the day we brought Lylah home from the hospital and I just haven't caught up yet! I'm still adjusting to being a mom of 2! :)

Anyway, we celebrated the Sunday before her actual birthday (and before the baby came). She was so excited to be the birthday girl and have everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to her! (She regularly calls my mom and siblings to sing them happy birthday. Even when it's not.) Here are a couple pictures from the party at Gran's house:
I made the yummiest strawberry cupcakes ever. They don't look pretty, but they were so good.

She also had a party at her Grandma and Grandpa Johnson's. And we gave her a kitchen. She thought she had died and gone to heaven when she found it in her room. We got it from here. It's probably the best $30 I've ever spent. She loves it.

I still can't believe Lucy's two. She's so smart! Some of her new things are:
-She can count to 10 all by herself!
-She still calls her baby sister "Lylah Costco".
-She loves princesses. A lot.
-She helps boost my self esteem. Every morning when I get dressed or do my hair she sits there telling me "Woo woo Mom! Pretty!".
-Her favorite color is pink. And she actually knows what "pink" is.
-She talks like crazy! She speaks in full sentences, and she is like a parrot. She repeats everything we say.
-She loves to exercise with Dad. That means he uses her as a weight. She thinks it's so fun.
-Sometimes, Lucy is a chicken. But she's always "scared" of different things: the light fixtures, the boy at the dr's wearing a spiderman outfit, being tossed in the air, car horns, balloons...Don't worry. The fears are temporary, and never all at the same time.
-When ever Lucy wants something, and I tell her we don't have it, she says "It's okay. Go to the store?"
-Lucy sings all the time. Her nursery teachers even noticed. She likes to help Lylah sing (and do the hand motion for) "the driver on the bus says 'move on back'! All through the town!" Lylah does not love it.
-Lucy is obsessed with the potty, and is currently being potty trained. She loves it, but only goes when I remind her. She also says that anyone who does not have princess pull-ups are not potty trained.
Love this girl! Happy Birthday Lucy Jo!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where the princesses go...

Lucy's been asking every day for the past month to please go to the temple ("she's going there some day"). When I ask her why she says because that's where princesses go to get their picture taken.

I guess she's been noticing all the hours I've been spending editing lately. :)
Anyway, Sunday we stopped at the temple and Lucy did her own posing. Isn't she lovely?