Wednesday, October 3, 2012


We hit up a fabulous sale today that had tons of princess dresses for only $7! After we got home Lucy and Lylah had a blast trying them out. They are the cutest girls. And don't judge Lucy's hair. This was at the end of a bad hair day. :) 

She does all her own posing now, so that's great news.


Lylah turned 18 months on September 21st. We have been counting down the days for about 6 months because 3rd hour Relief Society is pretty much torture. She gets so bored and I couldn't find enough stuff to keep her interested for 3 hours. 

I was a little worried about sending her to nursery because of how hard it was for Lucy (here). Luckily for us, she did amazing! I took her in, sat her down, and left. When I picked her up 2 hours later she was happy as can be! She was so proud of herself!

Lone Peak Marching Band

We love this time of year for lots of reasons, but one of our favorite things is watching the Lone Peak Marching Band shows. My youngest brother John is the only one still in high school, so we just go for him now. Lucy loves watching the band (ever since she was tiny) and can't wait until she's old enough to do marching band herself.

BYU game

Last week we got to go to the BYU game. It was such a blast! We had seats with Kyle's sister Kendra and her family, and our seats were just 3 rows above Kyle's dad and some of his other siblings. The kiddies loved playing together and climbing back and forth, eating popcorn, and singing the fight song. Aren't they cute babies? 



At the end of the game, Lucy took my phone and she and Ellie had a dance party to Lucy's favorite song-- Taylor Swift's "We are never ever getting back together". :)

Lylah--18 months.

My sweet baby girl turned 18 months the end of September. How to describe Lylah: sweet, snuggily, attitude, wild, busy, silly, talkative, funny. We love this baby girl more than anything and are so grateful she's a part of our family. 


Lylah had a doctor's appointment last week. We was kind of sad, because it was our last time seeing Dr. Freestone, who retired at the end of September. We adore him and will miss him so much. He'll be  a great mission president in the Dominican Republican. 

Saying goodbye to our favorite fishies: 

Last check-up...

This girl is growing! 

Weight: 21 lbs.  30% 
Height: ...I can't remember how many inches...41%
Head: 86%

Love her!


Are you addicted to Instagram yet? I love it. You can follow me on Instagram @kyrajohnson. If you haven't been following, here are a few things you've missed. :) 

Lunch date with my girlies, Chelsey, Mark and Kenzi. Love them! 

Making my own canvas. Don't love it as much as pro ones, but they still look awesome, and they were cheap!

Neighborhood BYU vs. Utah party. We loved it! Food, competitions, bouncy house. So fun!

These girls are always thirsty. Lylah asks for a 'dink' all day long. 

Quiddich player in training.

Lucy and Ellie's favorite princess is Aunt Shay. Needless to say, they were beyond thrilled when she brought her new ballroom dress to show them!

Lucy loves riding Grandpa Austin's horses. She is such a natural. This particular day she informed me that she even rode the 'wild' one. Whichever that one was! 

A couple weeks ago, my mom had half her thyroid removed. The girls were excited to visit Gran at the hospital and so glad to see that she was doing well!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


This fall, Lucy and Lylah are taking Kindermusik. We adore Kindermusik (find more info about it here.) and we especially love their teacher, Miss Leda. Lucy took her class last spring and it was the best. Being a former Music Therapy major, I understand the value of music in a child's development. It is amazing what the program has done already. Even Lylah can sing several of the songs by herself! It's so cute! 
So Lucy is doing Kindermusik and dance instead of preschool this year, and Lylah's doing a mommy and me Kindermusik class as well! 

First day of school picture... 

Just dance!

Lucy started dance class this week. She's been counting down the days since July and inviting everyone she knows to her dance concert (in December...) Lucy's doing dance with her bestie Larkyn. These two are two peas in a pod. It's hysterical listening to them talk to each other while they're playing. :)

See Lucy on the far right side? 

Outfit of choice.

This little love has 2 requests every morning when she gets up. That she takes her jammies "off! off!" so that she's "nakie!", and then she wants "shoes! shoes!" on. 

Seriously. This would be all she would wear all the time if I let her. She's such a sassy-pants! Love her!

Missing our Mae Mae

One week ago, our favorite aunt Megan moved up to BYU-I. Every single day Lucy tells everyone she meets that Megan's at college now, and she misses her so much. Cute girl! We do miss our Megan! Can't wait to visit her, and check out Bear World! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Austin family reunion

Last year my grandma and grandpa bought a little house/cabin up in Star Valley, WY. My grandpa grew up there and we all just adore that area. Last year they invited everyone up for a reunion, but Kyle and I couldn't go because we were moving. They've been up there a bunch more this year, but we hadn't made it. They had planned to have everyone come up for Labor day again this year. We weren't planning on it, but last Thursday my mom decided we should go. Kyle and my dad had to work, so we made it a girl's trip. Me, my mom, my sister Megan, and the babies. It was SUCH a blast!! Seriously, Star Valley has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. 

The first morning everyone slept in, so a few of us took the girls outside for a walk. They sure love their great-grandpa!


My uncle Scott was so nice to Lucy. He played with her and hauled her around, and she LOVED it!

Lucy asked Grandpa to have a tea party with her. They invited a few other guests as well. 

For lunch on the first day, we decided to go on a picnic. It didn't quite work out, it started hailing, and raining. But we had a good time anyway. We ate standing up, then went on a little hike. Lylah especially loved throwing the "gocks" in the water with Gran. 

After our hike, we stopped over at a baby llama farm! They were the cutest ever! Lylah (my little animal obsessed lady) kept yelling "puppies! puppies! Moo!!" 

*Side note: Funniest story ever. A while back Lucy was sitting in nursery (I was there subbing). The kids got their pictures and crayons and were quiet coloring. All of a sudden Lucy said " you guys like llamas?"

She might be a little obsessed with llamas. 

My mom put together the first annual Austin Olympics. It was seriously a blast! Each person competed individually, and each family was a country. We had different events and finished off with some closing ceremonies at the end of the trip. 

First event: Boat racing. Make your own boat out of anything, then see who's goes down Grandpa and Grandma's little river the fastest. :) I took second overall, thank you! 

All the competitors: 

Waiting to catch the boats. 

Everyone participated in the olympics, which made it so awesome!

Next event, golf! 

Yes, Lucy really really really adores Emily.

And Lylah's newest buddy is my cute cousin A: 

Grandpa helping Lucy golf: 

And Grandma competing:  

Lucy might have cheated. A lot. 

Such happy sisters.

Heather taught us this amazing new card game called golf. We may have got a little out of hand, playing it much later than we should have. :)

Doug, preparing for the closing ceremonies. Oops, didn't notice the velcro...

Boat racing:
Me (silver), Austin (gold), A (bronze) 

Bocce, Jr. Division:
Emily (gold), Lucy (silver), Lylah (bronze)

Sandra (silver), Addie (gold), Heather (bronze)

Grandpa took gold in golf! He was pretty proud (and maybe a little cocky...)

Taylor (silver), Grandpa (gold), Austin (bronze)

Croquet (possibly the most uncomfortable line-up on the stand):
Eric (silver), Scott (gold), Megan (bronze)

Volleyball silver team: 
Sam, A, Heather

Volleyball gold team:
Spencer and Reed

Olympic organization (or maybe the pity prizes?):
Julie, Grandma, Lauren, Kenzi, Mom

Doug receiving his gold for tennis from Taylor:

We also did glitter toes on all the girls! So much fun!

The older kids took the little guys swimming while we cleaned the cabin:

4 point buck in the back yard!

Headed home. Very very tired babies:

We all happened to stop at the same Wendy's on the way home. It was so funny to run into each other!