Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Yup! Lucy started nursery last sunday! I can't believe she's already old enough. Neither can she. As long as mom was with her, Lucy did great. As soon as mom left to go help dad with the Sunbeam class, Lucy flipped out. They'd bring her back to me. She'd settle down. And then we'd head back.

After the first time I left her, we came back in and her nursery teacher said she was super impressed by how well Lucy could talk. Huh? She talks a lot, but not in English. Or so I thought. Apparently, after Lucy realized I had left, she started bawling. When they asked her what was wrong, she yelled "I WANT MY MOM!!" What the?! She's been holding out on me.

Hopefully it gets better. I've heard the first month or so is a little hard on the little guys.

A few other funny things from the first two hour nursery block:
-Kyle came in to see if I could come back and help him. When he closed the door, Lucy started crying for "DAD!". Then all of the other kids in the nursery started crying for their dads. Classic.
-Lucy was the only friend who sang during singing time. Only she liked to sing loud solos at the end, after the song was finished.
-Lucy refused to color with only 1 crayon. She wanted more. The kid next to her colored her picture.
-Lucy doesn't like animal crackers or goldfish. But she nicely shared hers and another boy's with one of the other girls.
-Lucy is getting "thank you". She said thank you to her teachers every time we left the room.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Family prayer

If you're getting tired of hearing about Lucy, then stop reading now.

Still here? Okay. Lucy is getting so big-I can't believe all the things she's doing these days. She's become a huge trouble maker, and you can always tell she's doing something naughty if you say her name and she looks at you with the most guilty expression on her face and then hurries and folds her arms (umm, okay?). She doesn't like dirty diapers. So she takes them off herself. When I ask her if we can put a clean one on, she says "NO!" and runs away. I think it's time to try potty training. She's the biggest chatter box. Only she doesn't speak English most of the time, which is unfortunate. When she's done eating, she signs "finished" and says "allllll dud!". It means "all done". It's cute.

One funny thing she did tonight (I can't stop laughing when I think about it!):
We were ready for family prayers. Lucy came and sat on my lap on folded her arms. Then Kyle started praying. Apparently she had better things to do, because once he started she slowly stood up, kept her arms folded, and quietly sang her "sneaky song" (which we sing when we sneak up on dad and he says "boo!") and she tiptoed away. Kyle grabbed her and kept talking, but I had a hard time focusing after that. She's a smart little one. And apparently she likes her own theme song music. :)

Last one: Lucy's been having a hard time with morning naps lately. She still needs them, but I think it might have to do with my internship and her being sent to grandma's every other day all summer.

Anyway, she was in her bed, not having a rest the other day. Finally I went in to try to lay her down again. What I saw was amazing! Lucy had artfully draped all of her blankets around the edges of her bed. It was so decorative and she was so proud. Instead of trying to go back to sleep, she got her picture taken and got to get up and play. She might be an interior designer someday.
(And don't worry, when we moved here I arranged all of our furniture so that it could have optimal lighting for pictures like this one. I'm a little bit pathetic that way.)