Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Car, round 2.

Yesterday was a good day. We went to the BYU game (which was awesome!! BYU 55 - UNLV 7). Then we went and got me a NEW CAR!!! My other one died about a month and a half ago (the engine went out and would cost more than the value of the car to replace), and we have been having to deal with only one car ever since. But we found this great deal on, and we ended up getting it. It's a 2003 Honda Accord. We feel so fancy in it!
The inside looks like this, except with leather seats:
I love it!

After we got the new car, we went and finished a project we were doing at my mom's, redecorating my sister's room (we started it on Friday)! It looks amazing! I'll post pictures later. I didn't take any last night.

I have a lot more things to blog about, but don't have pictures for yet. But be excited for more posts coming soon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We're having a...


We were so surprised when we went to our 20 week ultra sound. I was positive it was a boy! In fact, I was a little embarrassed, because the technician said "we've got a trend going on today! You're having a little girl!", and I said "wait....what?!". :) Totally was not expecting that. I tried to act more excited after that.
See? Proof.

Anyway, the baby is measuring about 2 weeks small, but they didn't change the due date (Lucy measured small the whole time too).
The baby was being a stinker. Super wiggly, with her face turned into my back the whole time. We were in there a long time and didn't get many good pictures.

We are going back for another ultra sound in 4 weeks (this will be the third one). They want to be able to see her face to check for a cleft palate and they couldn't really see a few other things this time either. I also have placenta previa, which means that the placenta is way down low, blocking the opening where the baby will have to come out. They're not really concerned about it right now, but the midwife wants an ultra sound every 4 weeks until the placenta moves out of the way (which it usually does). If it doesn't, that means c-section. But we still have plenty of time!
Here is a picture of her little foot and her legs.
We're so excited to have another little girl! Lucy will (hopefully!) love having a little sister.