Saturday, July 23, 2011

4 months!

Lylah turned 4 months on Thursday! I don't even know how that's possible, but it's true.

She gets cuter every day. Often I can't take the cuteness and I just have to kiss and snuggle her. It makes it hard to get anything done around here.
Anyway, here are her 4 month stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 15 oz. (59%)
Height: 24.25 inches (51%)
Head: 16.1 inches (49%)

And because I want to be fair, one from our photo shoot last night of this little beauty:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

+4th of July+

Okay, I'm almost caught up. Yay! Here are some highlights from the 4th of July. It was an awesome day, we had so much fun! Lucy was really into it this year, and our ultra-observant baby was loving all the visual stimulation. :)

First thing in the morning, right as we got to the parade (while they still looked cute):
Lucy watching the parade with Aunt Mae Mae and cousin Emily:
Lylah and Uncle Mark:
Cousin Emily is so nice to Lucy. She walked her over to touch the big balloon:
Lucy and Daddy watching the parade.
Lylah watching with her Great-Grandpa.
Uncle Don Don in the parade. Lucy LOVES the bands!
Lylah with her great-grandma and cousin Emily.
Lucy really liked my cousins dog Josie. She kept kissing it on the mouth and trying to get it to go outside with her.
Lucy and dad swimming at Aunt Sho Sho's. Notice the lovely posing, even in the air. :)
Jumping to dad.
Lylah's first experience with fireworks was shocking. Favorite picture of the day:

And Lucy with her BFF Ellie, watching the show.

random candids...

I told you I had tons of updates. Here are some random pictures (mostly off my phone) from the summer so far.

This one cracks me up. I wanted a picture of them together, and right as I was about to take it Lylah gassed loudly. Lucy burst out laughing and so did Lylah. So funny!
Having a "sleepover":
Lucy with her cousins and Grandma at a carnival.
One night there was a young adult activity going on outside our house. Lucy sat outside for an hour watching them. When she finally had to come in for bed, she yelled and screamed all the way to her room "I want more boys!! I wanna see boys!!". Kyle was having a heart attack.
One of these things is not like the others...
Angry Lylah:
Taking Tevin horseback riding for his birthday.
Lucy went too, and LOVED it!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lucy and Lylah

These babies are so darn cute.
These are from a shoot a did of them a few weeks ago.
This was a different day. Still cute though. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Princess Festival!

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you might have already seen most of these pictures. In the middle of June, my cute brother Mark participated in The Princess Festival. It's a charity event to raise money for children in Africa. He got one free child ticket, so my mom and I took Lucy on the opening day. It was such a blast! Lucy LOVED it!

Here she is, arriving at the festival:
Posing like a princess (I guess):
Lucy really liked running through this "Alice in Wonderland" maze:
We also watched Mark's show a few times:
Mark was Prince Charming. This had to be one of my favorite things all day:
See? The Prince! With Cinderella (played by Mark's darling girlfriend, Eileen):
As you might have guessed, Prince Charming was basically a celebrity at something called "The Princess Festival":
Lucy loved everything. Except Uncle Mark. She was being weird about him:
Lylah still liked him though:
All in all, it was a blast. At $30 per "princess", I'm not sure we'll ever go again. But we had a ton of fun!

Cutest Cousins!

Okay, I think I've finally figured out why pictures have been having an issue on here. Good thing, cause I have 10 million things to post.

In June, Kyle's brother Justin, his wife Jessica, and their adorable little girl Capri came to visit from California. Lucy was so excited to see her cousin. They like to visit on Skype, so she kind of knew who she was. :) I couldn't believe how well Lucy and Ellie played with Capri. They are so cute together!
At the Splash Pad!
These last three pictures are from my phone. Excuse the poor quality.

We sure loved having them here, and can't wait for their new little lady-due in September!