Monday, June 28, 2010

Busy busy busy!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted on this blog. Opps. Our lives have become insanely busy! Kyle's working hard and loving his job. We're so grateful he has one.

Lucy is busy as ever. She runs, not walks, everywhere she goes. She's trying to give up signing (which makes me so mad. She knows probably 45 or 50 signs now, but refuses to do them!), because she thinks she can talk now. And talk she does. Just not in english. Oh dear.

I've become super busy with my photography, and I'm loving it! I've been averaging 3-4 shoots a week, and sometimes even more. We're so excited that things are going so well with that. I'm also super busy with school. I am 2 weeks into a 10 week internship. It's really fun to be able to dress up and get out of the house. I love being able to talk to adults (not just my 1 year old). But I really miss being able to stay home with my baby all day. Luckily I only have to be gone 8 hours a week and I have a wonderful mom and mother-in-law who are helping out. But I still feel a little guilty making someone else watch her for so much time each week. Anyway, kind of mixed feelings on that. :)

Anyway, those are the basic reasons why I haven't posted in a while. But we're super happy and loving life!

Totally unrelated, but here are some cute pictures of Lucy from recently.
Playing guitar with Uncle Mark.
Being cute. :)
Both her Grandma's recently got kitties. Lucy adores kitties. Poor kitties.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've had a sick baby all week. Poor little thing.

(this is how she has spent the last week. She loves her little bed on the couch: eating cereal and watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". I love how she put her little legs like that!)

P.S. Don't you love our middle couch cushion. It flew out of someone's truck during the move. Usually I have a blanket covering it. (: