Monday, June 20, 2011


Man, it has been so crazy around here lately. Sorry for the lack of updates. Here is a quick one.

Kyle's doing great! He just had his birthday (26!) on Saturday. We went out to dinner and a movie. We also got him a new suit (he looks so handsome in it), new shoes, and a few other little things. We tried to spoil him, since his birthday and Father's Day were one after the other. I think he had a great day. He's also loving spending time in his garden and with his favorite new hobby-his bees!

I'm busy busy busy! I'm getting the hang of being a mom of 2, and loving it! I'm also doing photography like crazy. It's awesome! I'm getting to the end of my program at school. I should be done early next spring (March-ish). Between all of that and taking care of the house and the meals, I'm pretty swamped these days. But I like it that way.

Lucy is getting so big. She loves anything princess and wants to wear princess dresses every day. Last week she attended the Princess Festival at Thanksgiving Point, where Uncle Mark was Prince Charming. It was so fun, even though she wouldn't have anything to do with Mark. :) She's a nice big sister generally. She actually mostly just ignores Lylah, which is okay too. Lucy talks like crazy and says the funniest things. Here are some favorites:

We were at the grocery store. Suddenly, out of the blue, Lucy starts yelling at the top of her lungs "Leave me alone!! Leave me alone!!". No worries. Child Protective Services did not come. :)

We were making bon bons. Kyle came in, and Lucy excitedly said "Look dad! Making Don Don's!" Yup, that's what she calls her uncle John. Don Don.

The other day we were out on a walk. Lucy was in the stroller, and Lylah was in the sling. Lucy wanted to stop and sit on a bench. After a few minutes Lylah started getting mad, so I told Lucy we had to keep walking because Lylah was getting sad. Lucy said "No mom. Give Lylah someone else. Sit Lucy.". Oh dear...

If you ask Lucy what her favorite website is, she'll tell you "Doctor Phil dot com".

She also sings "Doctor Phil had a farm. E-I-E-I-O!".

Nothing could be funnier to Lucy than when Lylah burps or gases loudly. Yup, we're getting to that stage.

The other day, Lucy came up to me and said "I'n neglected mom. Hold you?". Oh brother!

And finally, updates on Lylah. She will be 3 months old tomorrow! Where has the time gone!? Yikes! She is so adorable! She smiles tons and thinks she can talk too. She loves it when people talk baby talk to her and gets so excited. She's getting really chunky, which is so cute to me! I'm pretty sure she almost weighs as much as Lucy did at a year. ;) Lylah has been rolling over (from tummy to back) for about 3 weeks now. She's really impressed with herself. And Lylah LOVES Lucy! She thinks Lucy is the coolest thing ever. She gets so excited when Lucy will talk to her and play with her. It doesn't even make her mad when Lucy tries to take her places by pulling her along by her arm (no Lucy no!). All in all, Lylah is the cutest little thing ever, and we're totally crazy about her!

And of course, what would be a post without pictures? Alas, I've had it with blogger. It wont let me load any pictures. I'll post some soon. Promise!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lylah's blessing

This is a whole month late, but at least I am posting it!

Lylah got blessed on May 1st by her daddy in our ward.
We had so many family members come to support us, it was wonderful! After the blessing, we went to Ken and Debbie's house for a luncheon. It was so yummy! Then our little nephew Tommy got blessed by his daddy in their ward! It was a busy, but beautiful day!

The babies looked so cute together!