Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It was merry!

We had a wonderful Christmas! We spent the night at my mom and dad's house (this is the last year we'll do that. Lucy was a poop). It was fun to be with everyone!

Lucy woke up at 3:30 am, and wouldn't go back to sleep. I don't think she knew what was coming, but she was excited about something. It was not good news. We finally got everyone else up at about 6:30.
Lucy was so excited. She kept trying to sneak up the stairs, and when someone would grab her she would yell "No! It's time!! It's time!"
When she finally got to go up the stairs she was so excited. She got a tent. She loves it. It even has "pin-cesses" on it.
Lucy really liked opening the presents. She helped everyone else open their presents. Luckily, everyone was fine with her helping. And she started handing out the presents that were under the tree to whoever she wanted. Here she is helping Gran...
My mom goes through about 1 can opener a week. It's a mystery what she does with them, but they never last long. So we each gave her a can opener (one from Kyle, me, Lucy, Mark, Mark's roomie Amol (who stayed with us for Christmas because his family is in India!), Chelsey, Megan, and John. Yup. 9 can openers. It's probably a whole month's supply.
Love this picture of Lucy and Bampa.

After about an hour and my mom and dad's we hurried over to Kyle's parent's to be there when they opened presents. It was so fun!
Here is Lucy with Kara and Tevin.
She was super excited when her Ellie arrived!
The most exciting thing at the Johnson's was this:
Yup! They got a Wii. Something Tevin never thought was possible! He was pretty dang excited!

Anyway, it was a really great day! Kyle spoiled me, especially with this cutter he actually designed!! It's amazing and I can't wait to get sewing (mine does not say Suzie, but it is customizable!!)! He also got me a really cool ruler and huge cutting mat to go with it!
Lucy also got a darling baby doll set from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. It has a stroller, high chair/carseat/baby swing, and bed. She loves it! She can't hardly sleep, she just wants to play with it all the time. It's so cute! I'll get some good pictures of it up in a few days.

Anyway, it was a really great Christmas! I can't believe it's already over!

Christmas Countdown...

Yes, I know Christmas is over.

No, I haven't started counting down to next Christmas yet.

But I still wanted to show off this CUTE Christmas countdown I made for my aunt and uncle's family this year!

It turned out so cute, and was really simple to make.
So, you use a mini muffin pan (I got mine from Walmart for $3.94). It should have 24 holes in it. Then you need some magnet strips (enough to completely back all 24 of the 2 inch covers). Get the strongest kind you can find. Mine was from Roberts and it worked great. And you need your lovely scrapbook supplies and some creativity! (I also got a little picture stand to display it on from Roberts for about $7).

Put it all together and voila! you have a Christmas Countdown!
You can put anything inside the spots: scriptures, small toys, candy. I just did chocolate. You can't go wrong with chocolate.
(p.s. the other day, Lucy came up to me and said, with a very serious look on her face, "I need some kocko-lat." It was awesome. She knows when it is a need, not a want.)
Be careful, those little muffin holes are smaller than they look.

Anyway, it was a big hit at the family Christmas party when I gave it to them. I need to make one for myself for next year! They are so fun!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last year

I've been trying to finish up some projects before Christmas and accidently got looking at old pictures instead. Oops!

Anyway, this is a picture of Lucy from last December and then one of her now. Isn't she cute?! I can't believe how much she's grown, and I'm getting so excited for our new little one (even though we're still 3 months away).

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas!

There are more of these pictures on my photo blog, but here are a few pictures of the cute little stinker this morning. :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Kid History

I'm so doing this someday.

You have to spend 6 minutes of your life watching this little gem. It's the funniest thing you've seen all day.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Funny little Lu

A few funny things Lucy is doing these days:
  • Lucy is the queen of throwing all out fits. I am afraid the terrible 2's have already begun.
  • If I tell her to go to time out, she will walk herself to the time out area and sit down.
  • She doesn't like to sit in the high chair anymore. She sits on our bar stools (don't worry they have high backs), one wedged on either side of her so she doesn't fall off (she is very closely supervised). She eats much better that way.
  • She has an unnatural love for Dora the Explorer.
  • She thinks she needs every single blanket she has in her bed when she naps (i have to hide blankets so she doesn't realize we have so many).
  • She loves to put "toys" on the Christmas Tree (aka ornaments).
  • She loves to color, and sings "color color color" the entire time she does.
  • Lucy has watched me multi-task too much. Instead of holding the phone to her ear and saying "hello", she wedges it between her ear and shoulder like I do. Except she can't put her arm down. She when she talks on the phone she walks around with one arm sticking straight up. :)
  • It depends on the day, but usually when we ask Lucy if she wants a new baby at her house, she sweetly says "noooo".
  • I taught Lucy that whenever something awesome happens, she should go "ka-ching!" and raise her arm up. She now does it whenever she's excited about something.
  • Lucy is really good at her animal sounds. I'll have to post a video for this one. But I've taught her some good ones. :)
  • Lucy is afraid of scarecrows and Santa. She wont go into Grandma Johnson's house until all the decorations from the doorway to the kitchen have been moved.
  • Lucy starts to fake cry whenever I tell her her cousin Capri moved far away.
  • The other day I was driving home from school and on the phone with Kyle. I was telling him how concerned I was that if the new baby is anything like Lucy I didn't think I would be able to handle it. "She's a nut case!" I said. Then Kyle started laughing. Right when I said that, as if on cue, Lucy (who was in her bedroom with the door shut, supposed to be sleeping) started loudly "whoooooo"ing like an owl. Gah!
  • She loves to call Gran (my mom). As soon as my mom answers, Lucy says "Hello. Don Don?" She loves her uncle John.
  • Lucy gets really mad when we put her in her car seat, because she wants to be squished into the rear-facer again.
  • She's gotten into the naked stage. Anytime she is getting changed and especially before she gets into the tub, she tries to run for the hills. I love seeing that little naked bum running around. I think it's really funny.
  • Lucy loves nursery now. She has to take her baby and her bink, but she's always so proud of herself when we pick her up at the end.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. They're from my iphone.

It's been forever...

I haven't blogged in about a month, and I have a good reason for it. It's because Lucy turned 18 months a while back and I've been wanting to get some cute pictures of her to put up with her doctor's appointment info.

So I've been waiting for these cute new clothes that I ordered online to arrive for the pictures.

And the company for some reason sent them to our OLD apartment in Provo.

And the people sent them back to the company after they had had the package for a month (because I was happily waiting for it to come here!!).

So now we're waiting for them to send it back to us. And I'm mad about it. But be excited for that post if the day ever comes.

On a different note:
We loved having season tickets to the BYU football games this year. Kyle gets so into the games, so that's what he got for his birthday in June. We got seats with Kyle's parents, so we had friends to watch with. Lucy totally got into the spirit. She loves to pump her fist and yell "GO! GO! GO!". She also likes to clap with the fight song, and then roll her hands and yell "Cougars!". It's really cute.
Watching the game with Aunt Kali (she's clapping while everyone sings the fight song).
View from our seats.

Lucy is getting so smart, I can't believe it! She can sing (and people can recognize the tune) "Once there was a snow man", "ABCs", "I love mommy, she loves me", "The Hello Song", "Ring around the rosies", "The Clean up Song", "I'm so glad when daddy comes home", and several others. It's adorable!

She also loves the temple, which she calls the "bun-kle". The problem is, that she when she wants to jump on the tramp at grandma's she says she wants to "bunk-a-bunk". So, there has been some great confusion when we drive by the temple and she tells me she wants to "bunk-a-bunk at a bun-kle". I don't know what she think goes on in the temple, but it sounds pretty exciting.

She talks so much now. She picks up a bunch of new words every day, it's amazing to me. Seriously, how cool would it be if we could learn a language as quickly as young children can? I would totally be bi-lingual.