Monday, May 31, 2010


I really like jewelry, but rarely wear more than my wedding ring and maybe a pair of earrings. Lucy, on the other hand, loves anything pretty-headbands, necklaces, anything! Case in point:

She currently thinks that dishtowels look pretty on her head. She wears them all day long.

She also loves her bow collection. She will wear as many as possible.
(she's just sad cause she didn't want her picture taken)

Anyway, back to jewelry, my good friend and cousin-in-law is Lucy's favorite at church, because she always has the most amazing jewelry on. She makes it all herself and great news for all---SHE IS HAVING A GIVEAWAY!!
Check out her blog here. You could win.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Another post.

I've been wanting to post something for a while now, but just couldn't think of anything interesting enough to post about. Then I realized, who needs interesting? I doubt anyone reads this anyway, so it's more of a journal for me than anything else. (:

Well, I probably shouldn't, but I take great pride in the fact that Lucy will let me do anything with her hair. If I tell her something is "sooo pretty!!" then she loves it! Some of the recent hairstyles include:
One pony shooting out the top with a big bow:
Down with her bangs out and a headband:
Scrunch curls (from the back):
(and the front):
Straight down:
Two piggies on top:
Two piggies on the side:
She has her hair blow-dried, pulled, yanked, etc. And last night for the first time (we had family pictures taken) I actually curled her hair with a curling iron! She never fusses or cries. She loves to have pretty hairs!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

He's back!!

My cute brother Marky got back from his mission on Thursday! We were so excited to see him again!

Anxiously waiting!
Left to right: Chelsey, Mom, Davey, Dad, Grandpa, John, me, Kyle, Lucy, and Megan (Grandma was taking the picture)
There he is!! (You can just see his head, he's wearing a blue tie.) At this point I start screaming and bawling.

He blasted through everyone to give Mom a hug very first thing!

Then he gave everyone else a hug.

Mark meets Lucy.

All of us with him! We are so happy to have him back!