Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kyle got a JOB!

Yup, you heard the title right. My cute hubby finally found a job! We are so excited and grateful!

It is called The Grace Company. They make quilting frames, machines, etc. Random, I know. But he's going to be one of their top engineers! We are so excited about it! He's doing the things he did in school, and that he really loves doing, and they want him long term, which is wonderful! They are located in West Jordan, so it's fairly close by!

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers from everyone! We know it helped us find just what we needed!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Giving Thanks

We are so blessed. I was thinking that I ought to do a post on things I'm thankful for, what with the holiday coming up and all, and I could not believe how many blessings we have right now!

Blessing One: Kyle finding a job. Okay, lets be honest. This economy stinks. When Kyle and I got married, the kids that were graduating in his major were doing so with several job offers each. People who wanted to get their Master's would not even go to the career fairs, because they were always offered jobs too good to pass up. It was comforting to both of us. Then everything went down hill and such. Kyle had done projects for several different companies, and gone to several career fairs. No offers. He went and did a presentation at a huge engineering conference. Still nothing. We weren't too worried. He started applying for jobs. We were optimistic that something would come up soon. He got interviews, but no offers. It began to get frustrating. Isn't it amazing how the Lord looks out for you though? We had the opportunity to house sit over the summer, so Kyle didn't have to work fast food or something, cause we had some savings and didn't have to pay rent. Anyway, he got an internship at a new start-up company doing something he didn't have hardly any experience in. That ended up being a blessing too. It was something Kyle's really enjoyed learning, and has helped with some of my photography stuff. We were also able to earn some extra money. So, he was back on the job market. Then another little blessing, Kyle's parents let us live in their basement. Anyway, we were getting so frustrated. He was getting interviews, but no offers! Finally, about a week ago, Kyle had an offer from a place called The Grace Company. He's loving it (he just started, but still...) and we are so grateful for it!

Blessing Two: Little Miss Lucy. This little friend is seriously so darn cute! I know every parent thinks that their baby is the cutest, and we feel exactly the same way! Lucy has the cutest little personality! Even as I write this she is smearing crackers all over my arms (on purpose), trying to type on the keyboard and move the mouse around (I think she's seen mom and dad use the compy too much.), throwing everything within reach on the floor, and yelling at me every time I try to get her to play with her toys on the floor. And I'm loving it! Being a mom is definitely my calling in life. I'm enjoying almost every minute of it! I recently had a friend place her beautiful baby girl for adoption. I love reading her blog, and it has honestly made me look at motherhood differently. I know that she would love to have that little one with her, changing diapers, cleaning up toys, and all the other crazy things you have to do. I'm so very grateful that I have the opportunity to have my little one with me all day every day. Even when she's tired, grumpy, teething (yeah, just started last week. Yuck.), and just plain wearing me out. I love every time that she learns something new, reaches for her mom, screams in delight for her kitty, laughs at peek-a-boo. She is the best baby. Kyle and I have both found new meaning when the church and scriptures talk about joy in your posterity. She is a joy, and we're so grateful for her!

Lucy went ahead and typed a comment too:
gnn o,mj9san nvvvvvvvvvvvvvv /'≈0000000

Little tiny friend.

Lucy with her kitty.

Opps. I had some licorice, Mom.

I'm so big!

Playing the baritone for Uncle Mark.

Pretty girl.

Lucy and Dad, having a rest.

Blessing Three: Our family. We're so grateful for our parents and siblings. Even though I'm pretty sure none of them ever read my blog, here are a few reasons why.

  • Dad Stout: Thank you for always being interested and involved in what we're doing! Thanks for helping me learn the basics of lens and lighting. Thanks for hiring Kyle to do some work while he was still looking for a job.
  • Mom Stout: Thank you for always being there to listen. You are always so willing to listen if we have a problem, and try to help us solve it. Also, thanks for loving Lucy so much! You really are the only one she still snuggles and kisses!
  • Mark: Thank you for being willing to sacrifice 2 years of your life to serve the Lord and the church. Your incredible attitude, especially considering how hard it is to get someone to listen about the church there in Germany, is truly inspiring!
  • Chelsey: Thanks for being so fun to be around. You are such a funny person, and I really enjoy messing around with you. Thanks for also being willing to take me and Lucy places, and letting me practice taking pictures with you.
  • Megan: Thank you for being one of Lucy's biggest fans. She absolutely loves you, and it's so nice to know you're with her when you babysit. Also, thanks for working for me. It's saving me a heck of a lot of stress. You're fired. (:
  • John: Thanks for being the funniest kid I know. You seriously crack me up every time I think about you. Thanks for always going out of your way to say hi to us, and give us a hug. We know you love us!

  • Dad Johnson: Thanks for being that quiet stability in our home. Times have been a little bit tough around here lately, and you really have an incredible ability to calm the high-stress situations. Thanks for that example.
  • Mom Johnson: Thank you for your willingness to serve. I'm amazed at how literally every thing you do is for someone else. Also, thank you for being my friend while we've lived with you. I think this experience of getting to know you better will be invaluable for the rest of our lives.
  • Justin and Jessica: Thanks for being so fun. You guys are so funny, and we really love seeing you and your darling little Capri.
  • Bryan: Thanks for being so accepting of me. You were the only one I didn't know when we got married and I was honestly a little nervous to meet you! Thanks for being so nice though! Also, thanks ever so for that DVD. I loved that concert, and can't wait to watch it!
  • Kendra and Mikey: Kendra-thanks for being my friend. I don't do a ton with old friends, so I am so grateful for someone close by, that I see regularly, that I can visit with. You are one of my best friends at this point in time, and I love that are situations are so similar that we can be that way! It's so nice to have a friend in my sister-in-law. Mikey-thanks for helping Kyle out with some work while he was still looking. That was an unbelievable financial blessing to us. Also, thanks for being such a good friend.
  • Paul: Thank you for being so kind to Lucy. You are seriously so cute with the babies, when you start dating a girl, you'll have to bring her here so that she can see you with them. She'll be in love. (:
  • Travis: Thanks for being my buddy. I'm pretty sure I didn't hardly know you at all until we moved here, but you are so funny! Thanks for the good times. We'll have to do more Man VS. Food one of these days.
  • Kali: Thanks for being so funny! You just make me laugh. You have such a funny, innocent personality. I absolutely love it.
  • Kara: Thanks for being so darn awesome. You are so cute and stylish. I love hearing your fun high school stories! Don't stop telling me.
  • Tevin: Thank you for being so great. You really are a good kid, and we love you so much.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

50 years...

So, my dad's parents just had their 50th wedding anniversary. They're so sweet to each other, an incredible example of a married couple. Their story is like a fairy tale too.

My grandparents met when they were 11. When they got a little older, they started dating. They went off to college together, then my grandpa went on a mission. He went to the "Far East" mission, meaning Japan, Korea, etc. About half way through the mission, he wrote to my grandma's dad and asked for permission to marry her. He then sold his car, drew a picture of the ring he wanted for her, and had it made. All back when the technology was pretty much non-existent. Then he gave it to my grandma for christmas. The best part is that they have her getting it on video! So cool! Anyway, on his way back, the boat stopped in Hawaii. Meanwhile, my grandma and both her parents and his went to Hawaii. My grandparents were married 3 days after he arrived in the territory (not yet a state) of Hawaii. How cute is that?

Anyway, I am at a point in my life where I had the time and means to help with the celebration some. It was so cool to learn so much about them and their lives. I made a video and took the pictures for the event. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm grateful I was able to participate in it all. I love you, grandma and grandpa!

P.S. The tall man to the right of my grandma is her dad, my great grandpa Shaffer. He passed away while my dad was on his mission, so I never met him. But if any of you know my dad, check out how grandpa Shaffer hugs his daughter. Their mannerisms are exactly the same!

My aunt and her sister in law made a replica of their real wedding cake! Don't you just love their expressions?

This is my cutest ever great grandma Shaffer. 93 and still goin' strong!

How lucky are we?! This is a 5 generation picture!
Right to left: Dad, Grandma Shaffer, Lucy, Grandma Stout, me

All of their descendants, except our Marky. (it was Hawaiian themed)

My gorgeous sisters, Megan and Chelts.

Monday, November 16, 2009

St. George

Megan's did marching band again this year, and the band was incredible. Its the first time in a long time (at least since I was there) that they've felt good about their stuff and seemed serious about getting good. Anyway, we couldn't get enough of them. So, the mom decided that she wanted to go down to St. George where their tour was, so that she could see them. They had two competitions, including one Bands of America one. Well, Chelsey, Lucy and I went down with her. (Kyle wasn't able to at the last minute). It was such a fun girls weekend! We stayed with my dad's cute aunt Shirley, which was so fun. We went to the outlets and watched some of the bands. It was a blast!

Megan and the Mom


Lucy's first real pigtails! This was right before bed, but I had to get a picture. There are real elastics in her hairs!

Ahh, band hair...

Trying to keep the sun out of her eyes.

Saw AF's show too. Sooo moving!

She takes after her mother. She is totally mesmerized when the band in playing.

So good this year! Look at those lines!

Megan was the section leader this year (yeah, she's a sophmore...second year as a section leader...) Her section wasn't just the baritones, but the whole low brass. (She is the one of the bottom right)

Back to blogging...

Okay, I've been way more interested in updating my photography blog, but I've also been somewhat neglectful of my journal since Lucy was born, so maybe this will help? We'll see. I'm also kinda into reading other people's blogs right now. It's so fun to see what everyone else is up to! I don't know that anyone would care what we're doing, but whatever. Alright, well here is a quick update on us!

October was Halloween! So fun! Lucy was a little ballerina and a Whoo from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". We went and did Trunk or Treat in my mom and dad's neighborhood, and then came back and trick or treated around our cul de sac so the neighbors could see Lucy and cousin Ellie's costumes. It was a lot of fun!

My sister-in-law, Kendra, and I planned a big Halloween party for some of the cousins our age the night before Halloween. We put a ton of time and effort into decorating and such, and we only had a few people show up. We were really bummed, cause we had called every single couple we invited for RSVPs, and we still had about half of them not come. It was sad, we had planned structured games for specific numbers, so at the last minute we had to improvise. I think the people that came had a good time, but I'm not sure we'll do it again next year.

Let's go dad.

She is such a poser! Maybe I take too many pictures of her?

Lucy Lu Whoo

Lucy loves kitties more than life its self. Most of them are afraid of her, cause she screams in excitement every time she sees one.

Three little ladies. Ellie is the sleeping pumpkin, Capri is the darling little cow, and then Lucy is the little ballerina.

September wasn't a super exciting month, except that I had tons of photography work. (Check out my Photography Blog.) It was such a blessing to us to have some kind of income right now, because that allows Kyle to spend all his time looking, instead of having to get a part time job at someplace like Wal Mart. (Although Kyle has been working two days a week with our brother-in-law Mikey, doing construction, which is actually a nice break from the constant looking :D )

The end of August we moved out of the Carter's basement. We were so grateful they let us stay the summer there. Kyle hadn't found a full time job yet (just a summer internship), so we moved into his parent's basement. So nice of them to let us invade! We're still there, but hoping to get out any time, because that means we have a job! In August we also got a new cousin. Kyle's sister Kendra had a baby girl, Ellie Mae.

Lucy looks big compared to somebody!

In July, at 4 1/2 months, Lucy learned how to sit. That's pretty young. One day we just set to down to see if she could, and she stayed and played with toys for the next 20 minutes. It was crazy! We also did something so fun-we sang in the Stadium of Fire choir! I love going to the Stadium of Fire, but it's so darn expensive! But it was a blast to participate, and we got in free. Yes, we got to see the Jonas Brothers. :D We totally want to do it again next year.