Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lucy's First Hair Cut!

Baby Sister is due in 4 weeks! (March 25th)
(just in case that's the only reason you're here)

I was so torn about whether or not I should get Lucy's hair cut.
All along, the plan had been that when it gets about shoulder length I would cut Lucy's hair into a bob, so that it had some shape to it and would be full and pretty. Then I would just let it keep growing after that so that she has long, but styled hair when she's bigger. Well, shoulder length came and went. In the back (the mullet area). But the front took longer to grow. I wasn't going to cut it then, and make it look all goofy.
Now it has finally come to a point where the front is a decent length. But the back was about 5 inches past her shoulders. So now what to do?!

*Kyle was funny about it, he cared way more about cutting her hair than he ever has about mine. He did not want it cut! I guess daddy just wanted his girl to have long pretty hair.*

Anyway, I finally decided it needed to be done. She's awesome about letting me do anything with her hair, but it just didn't look that cute down. And I hate that look when little girls have longish, scraggly, uncombed hair. I don't ever want Lucy's to look like that.

So I set up a hair appointment for me on Tuesday, and while we waited for my color to process, I had her cut Lucy's hair.
Can you see how long it was in the back?!

She was such a good girl!

...and voila!
and the back.
She sure was proud of how pretty she looked! (She did her own posing for the pictures, funny girl.) I really like it too! And it will grow back fast, I'm sure of it!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Psh...that 52 week challenge was a success, huh? Ha. Apparently now is not a good time in my to be taking on something like that. We're too busy.

Because I know this is all some of you care about:
Baby Sister is due in 5 weeks! (March 25th)
No, we haven't picked a name yet. Starting to panic, just a little bit.

Here is what the rest of us are up to:
Kyle is busy working. He loves his job and gets to design the coolest things. He is really lucky to have found a place where they need him to do so much, many of the people who graduate with his degree end up designing a little piece of a part of something. Kyle has already designed a whole bunch of big, full projects. We're so grateful that he even has a job with this economy, and that the company is so great.

I feel like I'm going to fall over dead. I'm trying to fit a 3 month internship into about 6 weeks, and we're really hoping the baby doesn't come early! :) I'm going to the internship every morning and to class one night a week. It needs to be done before the baby comes, because if I don't get every single hour, I will fail the class. Dang. On top of that, I'm so excited because I have already booked 8 weddings (as the photographer) between the end of January and the end of May! I feel like my photography business is really going now, and I absolutely love it! The down side? I'm having a baby the end of March. In the middle of it all. So we've been trying to rush to fit in engagement and bridals sessions (and of course wedding day sessions) galore! Oh, and did I mention that I've volunteered to take newborn pictures for 5 different people, so I can practice before our baby comes. Yup. I'm doing that too.

And I don't know if other moms feel this way before they have baby number 2, but I'm really feeling guilty for having another one because I wont have as much time for Lucy Jo. I know in my mind that having a sister will be the best thing in the world for her. But my heart feels bad that I'm not going to be able to give her as much attention. So, I really am trying to cherish every minute I have left with her as my only child.

Lucy is doing great! Getting so big! She loves to play with her babies, talk, sing songs, make up songs, and go to Costco. She's also loving spending her mornings with her two grandmas. They're so nice to her. She's definitely a pest, but we just adore her. She's getting excited for baby sister to come, and always show's people that the baby is in "mommy's tum-tum".

And a blog post isn't a blog post without pictures, right?
Here is Lucy playing with Uncle Mark:
My birthday!
Lucy with Daddy. When she saw this picture she said "Ooh! Honey! Honey! Honey! Honey! Honey! Honey! Gran?!"
(Yup, she calls her daddy "Honey". All the time.)
And a rare picture of me! With my two sisters. We all are matching now, because Chelsey colored her hair the same color as mine and Megan's. :) Cute.