Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Everyday funnies...

Lucy is getting funnier every day. I just crack up at everything she's saying and doing-she thinks she's so big. Examples:
  • Whenever Lucy sees or hears about something cool she says "oh awesome!". I have no idea where she picked it up.
  • Whenever Lucy sees or hears about something she doesn't like she says "oh man!". That one probably came from me.
  • Lucy can't sleep when she knows she is going to see her cousin Ellie. She's that excited.
  • Lucy wants to name baby sister "Lillia Costco". For reals. After her cool cousin Lillie and her favorite store.
  • Speaking of Costco, Lucy asks to go there every single day. She has a true obsession with the place. It's awesome.
  • Whenever Lucy sees anything with letters on it, she says "abcd, abcd". At least she recognizes what letters are!
  • When we go to Costco, Lucy reads the sign. She says "abcd, abcd, Costco".
  • Lucy loves her Uncle John (Don Don). She likes to pretend to call John on the phone. When he isn't home, then she says "Oh...Josh!", and pretends to call his friend Josh. Then she says "Hi Josh. Don Don? Bye Josh". She knows how to get ahold of John when she needs him.
  • Lucy likes to have her babies all fold their arms for family prayers with us. She helps them.
  • Lucy's favorite drink is "kakolat wa-wa". It's code for chocolate milk.
  • Whenever someone asks Lucy where her baby sister is, she comes and kisses my belly.
  • Lucy got the book "There's a wocket in my pocket" for Christmas. We have read it at least 5 times a day since then. She also got a stuffed animal that goes with it. His name is Pocket, and he is our constant companion.
If any of you haven't seen my Photo-a-Day challenge on my photography blog, you're missing out. :) Anyway, here are two of the millions of out takes. I love them as much as I love the good ones, because these are so Lucy Jo.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Finding the Joy - Week 2

{Finding the Joy: A project I have taken on for 2011 where I will post a photo of something each week that helps me see the joy in daily life.}
The joy of cabbage.
Actually, I despise cabbage. But it's a joy this week because "baby sister" is 30 weeks old, about 15.5 inches, and 3 lbs-so approximately the same size as a cabbage!

I'm so glad that I'm down to the last 10 weeks. Okay lets be honest, it will actually be more like 11 or 12 weeks, but still...
-I am getting huge.
-I now weigh almost as much as I did when Lucy was born. And there are still 10 weeks left.
-My ribs hurt all the time.
-I can't sleep.
-It means I'll be done with my next school internship.
-And we'll finally get to meet our new girl!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Finding the Joy-Week 1

{Finding the Joy: A project I have taken on for 2011 where I will post a photo of something each week that helps me see the joy in daily life.}

The joy of discovering a new book.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I can't believe it's already 2011!! How did that happen? I'm pretty sure once you have kids life starts moving double time! I feel like I'm going to miss so much if I don't document life like crazy!

That brings me to my challenges for 2011.

The first challenge I've set for myself is the Photo-A-Day challenge, which I will be documenting on my photography blog. I will be taking a picture of Lucy each day for the month of January and posting it on that blog. Please check it out and leave a comment or two-totally makes my day!

The second challenge also has to do with pictures-of course! I've decided to do a "Finding Joy-52 Week Challenge". Each week I will post a photo of something that helps me see the joy and happiness in life. Sometime life gets so crazy, I forget to look.

Okay, now that I've posted them for all the world to see, hopefully I'll do okay and actually doing the challenges! I'm going to do my best!

Happy New Year!