Friday, May 4, 2012


Pictures speak louder than words, right? Here is what we've been doing lately:

I've been trying to be crafty again. Pinspiration.

Don Don's birthday

 Great-Grand Stout and Lylah

New swimming suits and sunglasses!
Going on a walk. They're very chic.

 Random ones of Lucy: Posing, cute Easter hair, playing candyland, Easter egg hunt.

My grandpa made that tiny chair for my mom, and now Lylah sits in it! So cute!

Last day of Kindermusik until the fall. Lucy was so sad. 

Ly-Ly would be happy to sit in a swing all day long. 

Yup. We have a walker.

Lucy and Lylah's favorite game is to get in this little booster seat and have Uncle Mark fly them around. Mark left for OK for the summer, so we've been sending him pictures of them waiting for him to come back. :)

Lucy got her hair trimmed by Aunt Kara. She LOVED it!

Lylah helping to bake. Lucy being a bride. 

My mom was in charge of a huge service project at the BYU Women's Conference. We got to help out. It was such an awesome experience!

Uncle Don Don in his play (he was an Oompa Loompa). How ever you spell that.